Which Regal Academy Character are you?
Which Regal Academy Character are you?
You love the show. But do you know which one you relate to the most?
You love the show. But do you know which one you relate to the most?
LeFrog is letting you get a magic pet. What pet do you wish for?
What's your greatest power?
You're mostly described as:
What shoes will you wear
Complete this sentence: "I'm most likely to be found in a ____________"
What will you eat for breakfast
Arghhh. Vicky's striking again and you're the only one standing.
Rose Cinderella
Rose Cinderella
You're the sweet and sometimes CLUMSY member of your friends. But you're also a true leader to them. You're very kindhearted and loves to try other things even though they go wrong
Hawk Snowwhite
Hawk Snowwhite
You're the Charming member of the group and the one with the most admirers by other people. But just remember: having a fan con can be harsh!
Astoria Rapunzel
Astoria Rapunzel
You're the incredibly smart one with an amazing 'do! You like to read books and try new things and focused on battles all the time
Travis Beast
Travis Beast
Sometimes you're really the strongest and sometimes you're the troublemaker. You can pass through many dangerous leads. But don't worry, lots of people are on your hand on that!
Joy Lefrog
Joy Lefrog
You're the sweetest, but sometimes WEIRD member. You love animals and having fun with your friends! Typical!