Which Noragami Character Are You?
Which Noragami Character Are You?
Results: Yato, Yukine, Iki Hiyori, Bishamonten, Kofuku, Nora, and Kazuma
Results: Yato, Yukine, Iki Hiyori, Bishamonten, Kofuku, Nora, and Kazuma
What's your favorite color?
What pair of words describes you best?
What clothes do you wear?
Let's say you are walking down the street and then you see someone getting beat up by a bully, what would you do?
What color is your hair?
Choose a weapon!
Are you more of a leader or a follower?
What is most important?
Are you more of a fighter or a lover?
You are Yato! He is funny, carefree, nice, protective, childish, and playful. But he is also very tough and someones a bit reckless. Yato is a stray god in his late teens and he really wants a shrine so he will be known as the god Yato! He wears a tracksuit, has black hair, and bright blue eyes.
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You are Yukine! Yukine is cold, and dark, but that's because he has no family and no friends. But he starts to see that Yato is master treats him kind of like a father would. He starts to open up and be more protective and nice and friendlier. He is teen years, and he has blonde hair, and orangey yellow eyes. And he wears jeans, a hoodie and maybe a hat.
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Iki Hiyori
Iki Hiyori
You are Iki Hiyori! She is friendly and nice and very protective. In the first episode in Noragami she tries to save a god Yato from getting run over by a bus. But Yato can not die because he is a god so Hiyori gets run over by th ebus but survives. But every once in a while her soul will slip out because she is stuck in between the Far Shore and the Near Shore. (The Far shore is basically the after life, and the Near shore is where the living is) But anyways Hiyori has dark brown hair, and pink eyes. She normally wears a mini skirt. Please comment on what you get and subscribe!
You are Kofuku! She is nice, bubbly, funny, and very girly. She is a Goddess of poverty! She has pink hair and purple eyes. She usually wears a pink mini skirt.
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You are Nora! She is vengeful, and cold. She used to be Yato's regalia, but Yato stopped using her so she is mad and plots revenge. She wears a kimono.
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You are Bishamonten! She is caring, loving, and tough. She has purple eyes, blonde hair, and she had LOTS of regalias. She normally wears mini skirts.
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You are Kazuma! He is kind, protective, and smart. He is actually one of Bishamonten's MANY regalias. He wears glasses, and he has brown hair, and green eyes. He wears formal clothes.
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