Are You Smart Enough To Help A 5th Grader With Their Science Homework?
Are You Smart Enough To Help A 5th Grader With Their Science Homework?
Do you know just as much as a fifth grader does?
Do you know just as much as a fifth grader does?
Created by Anna Claro
On May 16, 2018
1 / 10
Which type of blood cells carry oxygen?
2 / 10
What is the first element on the periodic table?
3 / 10
What do scientists believe killed the dinosaurs?
4 / 10
What is the largest structure in the world?
5 / 10
What substance determines skin color?
6 / 10
Which of the following planets does NOT have rings?
7 / 10
During what stage of sleep are you most likely to experience dreams?
8 / 10
Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out, what?
9 / 10
What is the name for animals that only eat plants?
10 / 10
How many teeth do adult humans have?
Questions left
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