How Did You Die In Your Last Life?
How Did You Die In Your Last Life?
How you died can have a lot to do with your current fears and tendencies in your current life. Was it the plague? Or a beheading? Take this quiz to find out!
How you died can have a lot to do with your current fears and tendencies in your current life. Was it the plague? Or a beheading? Take this quiz to find out!

What makes you cringe the most?
What's your biggest fear?
Which time period do you most relate to?
Which energy is strongest in you?
If you had to choose, how would you like to die in this life?
What was your birth like?
Pick a dwelling:
How much money do you make per year?
Burned at the stake
Burned at the stake
You were a witch in a past life and like most witches at the time, were the stake, while everyone watched. Oh the horror!
Killed in war
Killed in war
You were a war hero in your past life and were killed on the battlefield either by a bomb...a bullet...or your own courage getting in the way.
You were killed the old fashioned way...a good ol' be-heading. This form of execution was all the rage in medieval times and you were unfortunately victim to it!
The Plague
The Plague
Diseases ran rampant in medieval times and you unfortunately fell victim to the most powerful of them all...the Black Plague.