How Old Is Your Soul?

You might be a certain age on the outside, but how old are you on the inside?

Anna Claro
Created by Anna Claro
On Dec 10, 2017

Which house would you like to live in?

How do you like to spend your free time?

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Choose a decade to live in:

Favorite sitcom?

How do most people describe you?

Which color are you most attracted to?

Your soul is...11

Your soul is...11

You're a young soul and young souls are all about following the rules. You would consider yourself a traditionalist and your main concern is "fitting in" to society. Like a toddler, your mind is often saying "me, me, me". You have a ton of self-confidence and think you deserve the world. You're also super playful and fun to be around!

Your soul is...40

Your soul is...40

You're a mature soul and as such, are in a bit of a constant mid-life crisis. You're known to be dramatic and seem to end up in the craziest situations especially when it comes to relationships. You have a high understanding of the pain and suffering of others but a the same time have difficulty understanding and accepting your own.

Your soul is....60

Your soul is....60

Your soul is very mature and you tend to go through life with a "laissez-faire" kinda attitude. You choose adult-style discussions over violence and gossip. You tend to believe that things are never as bad as they seem and have faith that life will more or less work out for you.

Your soul is...85

Your soul is...85

You're soul is very old. People tend to gravitate towards you for advice and wise opinions. You're able to connect with people on this deep, ethereal level and you would never dream about hurting someone else for your own benefit. You believe that we are all one and you more often than not love and accept yourself with your whole heart, flaws and all.

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