These Words Were Just Added To The Dictionary This Year, Do You Know What They Mean?
These Words Were Just Added To The Dictionary This Year, Do You Know What They Mean?
What does "omnishambles" mean? What about "shanking"? These brand new words were just added to the dictionary. See how many of them you can match with their right definition!
What does "omnishambles" mean? What about "shanking"? These brand new words were just added to the dictionary. See how many of them you can match with their right definition!

Every year Oxford dictionary adds about 100 words to their new database. There are always new words coming out, new ways of saying things and slang words that start to float around. You may have heard some of these words, but it's actually not so easy! See if you can match the new dictionary word to its proper definition and show your friends how much of genius you really are!
What does "Jafaican" mean?
What does "nomophobia" mean?
What does "omnishambles" mean?
What does "amberina" mean?
What does "coploft" mean?
What does "satoshi" mean?
What does "embassady" mean?
What does "coxcombery" mean?
What does "cockling" mean?
What does "shanking" mean?
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