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Which Astral Realm Do You Belong In?

There are 4 different astral realms, which on is your true home?

Anna Claro
Created by Anna Claro
On Feb 22, 2018

Pick a crystal:

What color is your energy?

Do you remember your dreams?

Which animal do you resonate with?

Pick your favorite sky?

Are you religious?

Pick a mythical creature to befriend:

Do you make decisions with your heart or your mind?

You soul resonates with the Celestial Realm

You soul resonates with the Celestial Realm

The celestial realm is where the angels reside. It's the highest of all the realms. It's a step above heaven. For those people who are enlightened and have fully realized their power as creators.

You soul resonates with the Spiritual Realm

You soul resonates with the Spiritual Realm

The spiritual realm is where people go who have more to learn before entering the celestial realm. This would be what most religions describe as "heaven". A sort of a resting place, to observe, learn and grow as a spiritual being.

You soul resonates with the Causal Realm

You soul resonates with the Causal Realm

This realm is what most religions would describe as "purgatory". People who don't believe in an afterlife will end up here before reincarnating into the physical realm to evolve into more spiritual beings.

You soul resonates with the Dream Realm

You soul resonates with the Dream Realm

We have ALL been to the astral realm in our dreams. The dream realm is always changing and evolving. When you are in the astral realm, whatever you think, comes to fruition. So if you are coming from an unconscious place, it will not be very pleasant, maybe even hellish!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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