Which Yoga Pose Will Transform Your Life
Which Yoga Pose Will Transform Your Life
Which of these yoga poses do you desperately need right now?
Which of these yoga poses do you desperately need right now?

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Ardha Matsyendrasana will transform your life
Ardha Matsyendrasana will transform your life
Also known as "half lord of the fishes" pose, you're very "health-focused" right now and this pose is great for detoxification of the organs, especially the liver and kidneys. This also stimulates digestion and can relieve menstrual discomfort.
Virabhadrasana will transform your life
Virabhadrasana will transform your life
This pose is especially great for stretching the shoulders. You spend a lot of time in crouched over positions, and this pose could a great way to loosen up a bit!
Bhujangasana will transform your life
Bhujangasana will transform your life
You are feeling closed off lately and this is the perfect pose for opening yourself up. This pose, also known as "cobra" is known to open up the heart, strengthens the spine and relieves tension and stress.
Balasana will transform your life
Balasana will transform your life
You're going on all cylinders right now and it's time to slow down. This pose is the ultimate, relaxing position. It's known to relax the brain and hells alleviate stress and fatigue. It's also a great way to stretch your back and neck.