What "Sonic the Hedgehog" character are you?
What "Sonic the Hedgehog" character are you?
Me and my little brother are obsessed with Sonic X right now, so I decided to make a quiz on my account so we can both have fun with it. Thanks for playing! <3
Me and my little brother are obsessed with Sonic X right now, so I decided to make a quiz on my account so we can both have fun with it. Thanks for playing! <3

What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite "Sonic the Hedgehog" character?
If you could have any superpower, which would it be?
What is your element?
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite kind of weather?
What is your favorite season?
If you could pick any "Sonic the Hedgehog" character to be your sibling, which would you choose?
What is your favorite ship/OTP on "Sonic the Hedgehog"?
Which character do you believe is most like you, personality wise?
Out of these weapons, which would you choose to fight with?
Amy Rose
Amy Rose
Congratulations, you're Amy!
Amy is rather temperamental, bossy, and stubborn, which can make her threaten or even harm her friends for things they had nothing to do with. However, she is very cheerful, optimistic and a loving person.
Miles "Tails" Prower
Miles "Tails" Prower
Congratulations, you got Tails!
Tails is the loyal sidekick to Sonic. He is very intelligent and acts kindly to others, and as well humble and innocent. His best human friend is Chuck Thorndyke; the two create mechas together including the X Tornado. Tails has also been shown to be rather shy and he often had little confidence in the beginning of the series as he depended on the other characters, especially Sonic, to help him in times of need. Due to his timidness, Tails was often overshadowed by the other characters as he can be seen often keeping quiet as the far more outspoken characters got their ways in discussions. However, through the series Tails gained more courage and developed more leadership skills.
Congratulations, you're Cream!
Cream is a princess-like figure; she is polite, follows manners (and never forgets them) and does what she is told. Her mother's strict, but kind discipline has made Cream very polite, and she acts so with a cheerful smile on her face and a soft voice. She's very friendly, hardworking and tries to be close to everyone she meets, which is always returned in kind, and is always read to lend her friends a hand whenever the situation calls for it.
Cream is not afraid to voice her anger and disgust, but never does so in a rude way. She is brave as well. She is a bit naïve however, and does not always see things right away, since she is still very young. She also does not like any form of violence, abuse or fighting and only fights to protect the people she cares about.
Cream enjoys the simple things in life and likes spending most of her time outdoors. There, she likes to play with her friends or collect flowers, which she finds pretty and joyful, to make crowns out of them. She loves adventures and exploring. Indoors, she enjoys watching television.
Congratulations, you're Knuckles!
Knuckles is independent, wild, tough and a loner by nature. Like how Sonic embodies the wind, Knuckles embodies the mountain; stern, unmovable and anchored to his duty. Due to having lived in seclusion for most of his life, Knuckles is a rather antisocial and reclusive individual. As such, he cares very little about what others think, which makes him bluntly honest, straight-forward and somewhat arrogant. Knuckles is fiercely loyal to his homeland and does whatever is in his power to protect it. Knuckles is usually solemn, stoic, collected and usually likes to be by himself. He is likewise stubborn, headstrong and inflexible, preferring to do things his way, which causes him to clash with others. Regardless, he is very strong-willed, seldom wavering in his determination and will not give up on his goals once he has set them. While he is cool and determined in battle, Knuckles has an extremely short and wild temper and is hard to reason with when he is angry. Though his temper has often been known to get him into trouble, Knuckles has also learned to use it to his advantage by channeling it into his fighting skills. Despite being a silent loner, Knuckles is heroic, brave, kind-hearted and selfless, risking his life to save anyone or get them out of trouble, and shows empathy for people, even if they are a villain or enemy. He is likewise a loyal and caring friend, who is always willing to help his friends out in tight situations and will do anything to protect them. When not angered, Knuckles is pretty laid-back and never cracks under pressure. He can also be very understanding on the sly and doesn't take kindly to people who disrespect or hurt his friends, or innocents in any way.
Congratulations, you're Rogue!
Rouge is an enigma whose voluptuous and daring attitude turns any man's head. Her policy though is that duty comes first, but she has a big interest in jewels. Her figure, speech and behavior masks her true identity. She is very secretive about everything and very little has actually ever been disclosed about her. She would often switch sides with either the good or bad to confuse them.
Congratulations, you're Shadow!
Shadow is extremely arrogant, aggressive, brooding and very loyal to whomever he is serving and determined to whatever cause he is fighting for. He is anti-social and does not speak or smile much. However, he often smirks when being sure of himself, or if he thinks lowly of someone. But deep down, he does have a heart. Shadow is easily the most self-sufficient of all the characters. However, his lonesome and arrogant attitude also puts him apart from the other characters. Nevertheless, Shadow can at times be uncaring. Shadow only talks when it is absolutely necessary and dislikes being in groups, preferring solitude. Shadow often thinks teamwork is unnecessary because he can handle everything on his own. However, he will help his allies when needed.
Congratulations, you're Blaze!
A noble soul, Blaze is normally calm, solemn and level-headed, but tends to conceal her true feelings.[16] She is often described as elegant, which is demonstrated through her body movements and her ballerina-like fighting style. Being royalty, Blaze is quite mannerly and typically maintains a relatively quiet, stoic and formal air among others. She tends to have body language less casual than most others. While honored of her heritage as royalty, Blaze is down-to-earth and dislikes being called by her title. While Blaze gives the impression that she keeps her emotions in check, she is inwardly highly emotional. She possesses a fiery temper, and when she loses her composure she is quite frightening, aggressive, harsh, and prone to making bad decisions. She is similarly very serious about her position as princess and guardian of the Sol Emeralds, initially suspecting anyone even looking at them the wrong way. Also, when dealing with enemies, she never holds back her strength and is not above the idea of using lethal force. She is usually highly disciplined and focused, never allowing herself to lose control, and can be quite stubborn and impatient once she has put her mind to something. Her intensive demeanor however, is motivated by her own genuine concern for others' safety. In truth, Blaze has a kind heart, and always stands up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Because of her own self-imposed strict discipline though, she is often tense and frequently suffers from great self-pressure.
Congratulations, you're Sonic!
Sonic is said to be "like the wind"; a drifter that is always on the move and is noted for being free-spirited and adventurous. He values freedom above all else and strives to live his life according to his own rules rather than the standards of those around him or for the sake of heroism and duty, never thinking twice about what other people say or think. Born to run, Sonic enjoys nothing more than traveling the world. Endowed with a strong passion for enjoying life, he is never in one place for long and always moves forward to look for his next challenge, making his life a never-ending series of adventures. Because of his need for freedom, Sonic loathes the idea of being constrained, and being cooped up for too long makes him twitchy and restless.
Sonic's demeanor is always easygoing, cool and carefree. However, he is often impatient, hates boredom, and possesses at times a short temper. Because of his impulsive nature, Sonic can be reckless and quick to act before thinking, throwing himself into trouble without a second thought and regards for others' warnings. Nevertheless, he is honest and always keeps his promises.
Sonic's personality is a juxtaposition of kindness and ferocity. He is extremely benevolent, driven by his own strong sense of justice and fair play, and firmly stands for truth and freedom. However, he is never the one to rest in the face of injustice or oppression. He hates lies and evil in all its forms, exploding with anger when witnessing anything unjust, and will do all he can to snuff it out, throwing his life on the line without hesitation. However, he usually sees his heroics as an opportunity to have fun, making him a thrill-seeker. To Sonic, saving the world is no big feat and just another thrilling episode in his life. When he finds himself in a pinch, he acts as though nothing can stop him. In times of crisis though, he is aggressive and focuses intensely on the task at hand as if his personality has undergone an astonishing change. At the same time, Sonic has a big and kind heart and is fully committed to helping out anyone in need at any time, even if it means getting himself into trouble or being despised by others. Sonic has a lot of self-confidence and possesses an enormous ego to match it, making him sassy, quick-witted, cocky, and at times overconfident. No matter the threat, Sonic always remains cool under pressure.