What is the most beautiful thing about you?

You are beautiful but what is the most beautiful thing about you?

Anna Rentz
Created by Anna Rentz (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 10, 2016

You see a homeless person asking for money to buy food what do you do?

You see a stranger crying in the school hallway
what do you do?

You see an injured kitten on the sidewalk
what do you do?



You are an intelligent minded person who is very special in this world. You could really make a difference if you put your mind to it! *wink*



Your heart is beautiful and huge and probably the reason you are so kind and sweet to the people around you! You are filled with compassion and sweetness.



You believe things will get better and that the future is bright! Remember not to lose that hope, for it may be the end of you. I suggest that you share you hope with the people you need the most!

Ummm maybe looks?? IDK

Ummm maybe looks?? IDK

To be honest your personality is cruel and not very loving, maybe your looks may make you seem beautiful but I wouldn't know because I can't really see you. All I can say is try to be kinder to people around you.

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