Will You Survive A Horror Movie?
Will You Survive A Horror Movie?
Will you survive and live or will you die in the end?
Will you survive and live or will you die in the end?

You're driving somewhere late at night and you hear on the radio that there's a serial killer out on the loose that escaped from prison. You will...
Pick a weapon.
You're out in the woods and you see something scary. What will you do?
The serial killer has broke into your house! What will you do next?
Where will you hide?
You're hiding somewhere in your house and all of a sudden the killer finds you! What will you do?
You're in your bedroom and you hear a strange noise coming from your basement. What will you do?
You're walking somewhere and you come across a strange-looking abandon house. What will you do?
Are you startled easily?
Yes, you will survive a horror movie! You're very intelligent and you know exactly what to do. You will definitely make it out alive.
No, sorry but you will not survive a horror movie. You're not really intelligent enough to survive one. You will eventually die sooner or later.