Which Attack on Titan's upper-ranked soldiers are you?

Are you Erwin Smith? Levi? Hange Zoë? Or Mike Zacharias?

Anneleena Zoëline
Created by Anneleena Zoëline (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 20, 2015

What activity do you prefer on a day off?

Do you have trust issue?

Choose your favorite movies

Where do you sit in school?

Someone is falling to a mud. What will you do?

You're a new soldier in Scouting Legion. Which mentor would you choose?

Which opening song do you prefer in Attack on Titan?

Pick a cat!

Which picture described you?

You're in The Forest of The Giant Trees. You only have one thing on your bag. What is it?

What do you think about Attack on Titan Live Action?

Erwin Smith

Erwin Smith

You are Erwin Smith. The Commander of Scouting Legion who will bring you to humanity victory. You're a calm and mature person. Well... sometimes you are like a devil wearing an angel mask to get what you want.



You're Levi. You're a cold and yet caring type. Maybe you just want to be alone, but you realized that someone have to accompany you so you can't drown into loneliness.

Hange Zoë

Hange Zoë

You're Hange Zoë. You know her! She's the most hyper! You're a thinker and love to exploring new things. You have a dark side too, but better not let anyone knows it.

Mike Zacharias

Mike Zacharias

You're Mike Zacharias. Maybe your'e a weirdo, but you're a friendly type with silence. You're a natural funny person, even you're not feeling or trying it. You're loyal to someone until the end, even it kills you.

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