What Harry Potter House Are You In?

Sorting Hat confirmed :)

Annette Park
Created by Annette Park(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Ahh! O.W.Ls testing next week! What do you do?

Your friend has a problem. There's this one student who keeps on bullying her! What do you do?

Do you think you are more head or heart?

Would you consider yourself a believer or more fact-based?

You scored a MEET-AND-GREET with J.K Rowling!!!!!! How do you react?

Where is your dream vacation?

Finally, what house do you think you are going to be in?



You are a Gryffindor! Yay! Same house as the GOLDEN THREE! You are a brave, strong, bold, and a slightly mischeivious person! What's not to like?



Eccentric, smart, wise... Ravenclaws are just the top-of-the-class people! One of the coolest people are there, including Luna and Cho Chang! Keep on doing your own eccentric thing!



Not all slytherins are bad! Slytherins are cunning and will fight to acheive their dreams! You'll fit right in if you're like that. I mean, Harry's son was in slytherin!!



You are one of the nicest, most loving person in the world! Hufflepuffs are underestimated, but being friends with a Hufflepuff is a begining to a great friendship! You will always feel at home :)

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