Can We Guess How Much Swag You Have?

Are you in full on bro mode, top of your game and full of swag? Or are you somewhere along the spectrum, trying to achieve ultimate greatness?

Created by Answers (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On May 7, 2015

How many tank tops do you have?

What is your position on socks?

Spring break is for?

Swipe right or swipe left?

Intramurals are for?

Were you in a fraternity?

This is acceptable to wear?

Your drink of choice is?

You've got a pair (or two) of these shorts right?

You have a few go-to pick up lines.

Do you even lift?

Do you know who Dan Bilzerian is?

5,000 Swag

5,000 Swag

You basically have max swag. Your ability to disregard relationships powers your will to hit the gym for leg day and chug anything you can in any amount of time while wearing bro shorts.

2,500 Swag

2,500 Swag

You're basically swag personified, but with a few bits of individuality thrown in. 'Cause you don't want to go completely with the crowd, but instead leave your mark and make all your fellow bros better. Rock on

1,000 Swag

1,000 Swag

Good work son, you're well on your way to full bore swagger. Find yourself a trucker hat, take off those socks and get some pick-up lines that actually work.

500 Swag

500 Swag

Some swag, but you've got yourself a little bit of work to do if you want to reach full on swag mode. But you can certainly hold your own if you're competing against Team Swag on the court or lifting in the gym.

250 Swag

250 Swag

Your swagger needs some work and you've got some room for improvement. Provided you aren't a lazy bum about it. Real swag is not effortless. And uppop that collar bro



You have absolutely no swagger. And you're probably pretty proud of that fact. Let's be honest, those short shorts leave way too much skin exposed. And you got better things to do with your time than party all day. Like finishing your degree and getting a job as a computer engineer and make millions.

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On Nov 18, 2021