Could You Survive A Night At The Crimson Peak Mansion?

You are Edith Cushing, an author who has fallen in love and moved in with your new husband, Sir Thomas Sharpe. However, the rustic mansion you thought you were moving into has more to it than meets the eye. Can you survive a night at the Crimson Peak mansion?

Created by Answers (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Sep 27, 2015

Do you believe in ghosts?

You arrive at the mansion. What is the first thing you do

You hear something down the hallway. What is your first instinct?

Your husband's sister seems like she's hiding something from you. What do you do?

You're alone and your husband warned you "Don't go beyond this level." What do you do?

While walking around the mansion, you think you see a stranger off in the distance walk away. What do you do?

You're looking for your dog, you can hear barking come from a closet. Right as you reach for the door handle you see him in the hallway. Do you...

You're being chased by a ghostly entity, do you...

A mysterious monster grabs you. What do you do?

You made it out of the mansion, but you're not out of danger yet. What escape route do you choose?

You survived!

You survived!

You survived, congratulations! Although, you were scared to death, you managed to escape from the things that go bump in the night.

You almost made it.

You almost made it.

You were so close, you almost made it! But in the end, it turns out that you didn't quite have what it takes to protect yourself.

You didn't make it

You didn't make it

Sorry, you didn't make it. Your fear proved to be too much to overcome and you were unable to escape from the ghastly entities that lurk within the mansion

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