How Long Can You Last in the Corporate World?
How Long Can You Last in the Corporate World?
Yeeeah... we're just gonna need you to come in on Saturday and take this quiz about how long you could last in the corporate world. If you could finish it by the end of the day, that would be greeeat.
Yeeeah... we're just gonna need you to come in on Saturday and take this quiz about how long you could last in the corporate world. If you could finish it by the end of the day, that would be greeeat.
Your first job was...
How comfortable are you speaking in front of large groups?
Which boss do you look to for inspiration?
Have you ever been fired?
How much money is in your bank account right now?
Would you relocate to a city where you didn't know anyone for a job?
What would you order at an office dinner?
What would you do if someone was disrespectful to you at work?
If YOU had to fire someone, you would...
Your greatest weakness is...
Office Life is NOT For You!
Office Life is NOT For You!
You're not cut out for it! It's okay, the corporate world is just not meant for you. You prefer flexibility, being free to go where you please when you please and have never responded well to authority figures. Your perfect job would be one where you make your own schedule and are your own boss - Ready to be an entrepreneur!?
You Are Corporate Material!
You Are Corporate Material!
Hey hey - You would do pretty well! You will never rise up to be the boss of the group, but you could definitely be their right hand man/woman and make the best of a corporate job. You're responsible, on time, and share ideas when you have them. You get along well with other people and aren't too overbearing. Boo yah!
That is, if you're not already! You would rule in the corporate world. You'd become the #1 within no time. You're assertive, are comfortable speaking your mind, and a natural born leader. Your friends and family have always said this about you and everyone expects you to go far. You've been working your whole life already and you're ready to take the next step.
You Are Too Much of a Free Spirit!
You Are Too Much of a Free Spirit!
You may enjoy it for a bit and like to toy around with an entry-level position.... but you're probably not going to do very well in a corporate setting for long. You could make it work for a while... Maybe try it out while you're figuring out what you really want to do with your life. You're more of a free spirit and a creative type than a workaholic. Life is too short to be in the same cubicle for 40 years, right!?