How Morally Developed Are You?
How Morally Developed Are You?
What's right and what is wrong differs in many peoples minds. According to the studies done by Lawrence Kohlberg, there are three ascending stages of morality. Take this quiz to discover how moral you are!
What's right and what is wrong differs in many peoples minds. According to the studies done by Lawrence Kohlberg, there are three ascending stages of morality. Take this quiz to discover how moral you are!
If a baby bird fell out of its nest, what would you do?
You and your friends are down to the last slice of pizza. Who gets it?
Which do you like better?
What do you do when someone asks you for money?
What goes through your mind when someone asks you to help them move?
You have an extra ticket to a concert, who would you bring with you?
If you saw someone on the side of the road who looked like they needed help, would you pullover and help?
How do you choose what to have for dinner?
If you could pick any mode of transportation to get to work, what would it be?
How moral do you think you are?
Stage 1
Stage 1
You have Stage 1 morality, which is described as preconventional morality. According to the studies done by Lawrence Kohlberg, anyone who is Stage 1 sees morality in an egocentric way. This means you make decisions on what's right and wrong based on how it effects you.
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Stage 2
Stage 2
You appear to have Stage 2 morality, which is described as conventional morality. According to the studies done by Lawrence Kohlberg, someone at this stage makes decisions on what's right and wrong depending on what's beneficial for both them and and others. This is the moral stage where most adolescents and adults morality is based.
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Stage 3
Stage 3
You have the highest stage of morality, Stage 3. This is the stage where morality is described as post-conventional. According to the studies done by Lawrence Kohlberg, this is the stage where people have created their own set of morals and ethics. This personal moral compass usually aligns with social norms, but can occasionally conflict.
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