How Well Do You Know Slang From Across The Country?
How Well Do You Know Slang From Across The Country?
Around the country we know certain items by certain names, but depending on where you live, the same item can be known by a completely different name. This quiz will test your knowledge of slang from around the U.S.A.
Around the country we know certain items by certain names, but depending on where you live, the same item can be known by a completely different name. This quiz will test your knowledge of slang from around the U.S.A.

In Philadelphia, this is known as a...
In North Carolina, this is commonly known as...
In Wisconsin, this is commonly called a...
In New England, this is commonly called a...
In the South, this is commonly called a...
In the Midwest, this is commonly called a...
In the East, these glowing bugs are called what?
Dinner and supper are two different meals in this state.
In Maine, pecan is commonly pronounced...
In New York, these are commonly called...
In the West Coast, a road where you can drive fast on is called...
In the Midwest, this is called a...
In Rhode Island, this is called what?