How Well Do You Remember Jackie And Kelso?
How Well Do You Remember Jackie And Kelso?
Test your memory of the most off-and-on-and-on-again couple in TV History (probably), Jackie and Kelso!
Test your memory of the most off-and-on-and-on-again couple in TV History (probably), Jackie and Kelso!

Why did Jackie get a job at the Cheese Palace?
What caused the very first Jackie/Kelso break-up?
What did Jackie re-decorate Michael’s van with?
What did Jackie supposedly call Kelso in bed?
Who did Kelso NOT cheat on Jackie with?
What did Kelso use to propose to Jackie?
What does Michael say when Jackie tells him her date is better than him “in every single conceivable way”?
What did a promise ring stand for to Kelso?
What was the significance of the egg Jackie gave to Kelso?
Who broke the egg that Jackie gave to Kelso?
Who was kissing when Jackie screamed “Get off my boyfriend!”
What does Jackie say about Kelso’s daughter’s name, Betsy?