Which Haunted Location Should You Visit?

The holiday season is upon us, so why not be different and have a short vacation in one of the World's Spookiest Locations. Based on a few answers to some appropriate questions we will gauge your personality and help point you in the right direction ..... are you ready?

Created by Answers (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Do you believe in Ghosts?

Do you have that one neighbor who you never see during the day and you're suspicious that they are in fact a vampire?

How many of these pictures do you think are real?

How superstitious are you?

At what age did you stop sleeping with the light on because you were afraid of the dark?

Pick a film to see before you visit your Haunted Location to put you in the mood ...

How often have you experienced Déjà vu (the sense that you've done something before)?

You wake up in the middle of the night and think you see a figure in the corner of the room; what do you do?

Have you ever been told by someone they have seen your doppelganger (double) and they were so convinced it was actually you that you got into an argument about it?

What would we have to offer you to spend an entire night locked alone in the crypt of a graveyard without even a candle?

Mary King’s Close – Edinburgh, Scotland

Mary King’s Close – Edinburgh, Scotland

The dark, claustrophobic streets running off the Royal Mile lead away from the light and downhill into the shadows. These half-forgotten reminders of Edinburgh’s insanitary past provide a perfect setting for a suitably spooky atmosphere.
Stories of strange noises, eerie scratching and the sound of an ongoing party at a long forgotten tavern are often heard. As well as this various apparitions are often seen the most famous of which is Annie, a ghostly pre-teen who (so the story goes) scared the daylights out of a Japanese psychic in 1992. This lady had been unimpressed by the tour until she arrived at one of the many small rooms. There she was suddenly struck by an overwhelming feeling of sickness, hunger and cold and, when she tried to leave felt the ghastly tug of a ghostly hand on her leg.
Poor Annie's spectral life has now been fleshed out and it is believed that she had been left to die by her family. Since then, people from round the world have come to "Annie’s room" and have had many supernatural encounters. A visit of Spirit exploring is indeed guaranteed and don't forget the alcoholic local spirit of finest Whisky afterwards will we promise help steady any nerves.

Island of the Dolls – Xochimilco, Mexico

Island of the Dolls – Xochimilco, Mexico

Surrounded by severed heads, limbless bodies and with empty eye-sockets staring back at visitors from all directions, the Isla de las Munecas – The Island of Dolls – is one morbid place for a visit.
Dedicated to the memory of a little girl who drowned in the canal many years ago, the island is covered in dolls.
At Cuemanco, one of the docks from where the gondolas embark, there are numerous crosses and plaques dedicated to La Llorona, the “Weeping Woman.” Locals say she killed her children to be with the man she loved. When he rejected her, she drowned herself. When the islands are covered in fog, many claim the Weeping Woman haunts the area, crying out for her kids.
But it is at night when the real spookiness happens, it is said the some 1500 decaying dolls move their heads and whisper to one another ....
We hope you dare to visit Doll Island but for your trip you best not take a Dolly to sleep with but a trusty Teddy Bear .....

Borgvattnet (The Haunted Vicarage) – Sweden

Borgvattnet (The Haunted Vicarage) – Sweden

Borgvattnet is most renowned for its old vicarage which was built in 1876, and is reputed to be a haunted house. The first documented mentioning of ghosts in the vicarage is in a letter dated 1927 which was written by chaplain Nils Hedlund who lived in the house at the time.
In the 1930s, Hedlund's successor, chaplain Rudolf Tängdén, claimed to have seen the ghost of a woman in the house, and in the 1940s the subsequent chaplain, Otto Lindgren, and his wife said they experienced paranormal activity including weird sounds and moving objects.
In 1945, chaplain Erik Lindgren moved into the vicarage and he started writing down in his journal all the strange things he experienced. Lindgren had bought a rocking chair which he brought to the vicarage. However, he was never able to sit in his chair very long without being thrown out of it by an invisible force...
Dare you spend the night there to experience what many have described as "absolutely terrifying", the good news is you will receive a certificate of proof, the bad news is nobody as yet has returned for a second certificate ......

Catacombs, Paris, France

Catacombs, Paris, France

Many ghosts and strange paranormal encounters are said to occur here on a regular basis. From the actual appearance in many videos of spectral lights, Ghostly orbs, ecto mists and sometimes shadow spectres are seen walking the long corridors and moving among the piles of bones. The strange EVP sounds that many record or often very disturbing to hear.
The Paris Catacombs are infamous and much has been written about their history and purpose. more than a million visitors a year are said to walk the dank corridors.
Some of those many visitors are often said to be overcome and pass out from fear because of the presence of actual ghosts that attach themselves to those that walk it's halls just in search of something strange to see and and get "touched" by history.
Dare you go walkabout in the dead of night beneath the streets of Paris you certainly won't be alone but whether those who walk with you still have warm blood in their veins we cannot promise ...

Eastern State Penitentiary, Pennsylvania, United States

Eastern State Penitentiary, Pennsylvania, United States

Built in 1829 with castle-like walls and imposing guard towers it housed both Al Capone and bank robber Willie Sutton. The prison was abandoned in 1971, and rumours of strange happenings have plagued the stone penitentiary ever since.
Visitors to the prison—and there are many, for the penitentiary is now a museum and regarded the most haunted building in all the USA—report footsteps in the yards, the sound of someone pacing in the cells, eerie noises, and lonely wails that drift through the cold, dark corridors. Cell Block 12 is famous for its disembodied laughter, and one guard tower appears, on some nights, to be occupied by a shadowy figure keeping watch over the empty prison.
Dare you like many who chose not to spend time behind the cold walls discover if any of the terrifying stories are real. At least unlike them you can leave anytime you like .... how long will you last?

Wawel Castle, Krakow, Poland

Wawel Castle, Krakow, Poland

Wawel Hill in Krakow has been home to human activity for almost 50,000 years. King Sigismund I the Old had the Polish royal palace built on this very hill, where their kings were crowned, ruled, and laid to their eternal rest within the vaults under the cathedral. The ghosts of these royal spirits are said to still visit the castle today.
According to one local legend, all of Poland’s deceased kings gather for a conference on December 24th every year in an underground chamber in Wawel Hill.
We dare you to visit Wavel Castle but be careful especially if the Dragon decides to make a return as it is said she is still hungry for a tasty morsel. However the shrewd thing to do would be to take a virgin along with you as she would of course eat them first leaving you ample time to escape ....

Pendle Hill, Lancashire, England

Pendle Hill, Lancashire, England

In the year 1612, there was said to be a family of local peasants which lived in a huge limestone tower. However, the family was no ordinary family. These peasants had enormous powers and they were reported to be in league with the devil, making them resemble witches. According to reports, the family made clay effigies made of teeth and human hair. These “witches” were then arrested and taken to Lancaster for trial.
The Pendle Hill witches are said to still haunt the buildings and the villages. Visitors have reported feeling anger when visiting the grounds. Local people even fear discussing the events that went on during the witch trial.
Dare you spend the night on Pendle Hill especially when the wind blows, the rain is falling and all is shrouded in mist, which sadly for you is most nights, you have been warned ....

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