Do you really know Jesus?
Do you really know Jesus?
Do you really know Jesus find out by taking this quiz. I hope you enjoy this quiz.
Do you really know Jesus find out by taking this quiz. I hope you enjoy this quiz.

Pick a book?
Do you accept Jesus as your savor?
Do you love Jesus?
John 3:16 for God so loved the ______ that he gave his only son that who so ever loved the world.
John 1:1 in the begaining was the word and the word was_____.
Do you love Jesus as your farther,lord and king?
Pick a Bible
Do you love to read the Bible?
Are you a Villain or heroe?
Pick a food?
Yes you do really know Jesus
Yes you do really know Jesus
You know Jesus Christ he is your savor and you would love him as he his your king,lord and farther.
No you really don't know Jesus
No you really don't know Jesus
Sorry you really don't know Jesus but you can learn more about him for going to church and reading the bible.