Who are you of the Weather Trio

Anthony House
Created by Anthony House (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 4, 2018
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Do you like having freinds

Do you tell good advice

Are you Territorial?

Do you take your time

Are you orginized

favorite Emotion/Action


Are you picky (food wise)

How do you choose your freinds

Are you selfish
(be honest)

Do you like anoying people

And Finally Do you have a favored pokemon



You love to take your time. you surround youself first and you are very loving. you are picky and choose your freinds carefully and you are not alway very orginized.



You are in the middle of almost everthing. but you are timid and somthimes picky.



You love to rush and be fast. you don´t take lightly to intruders and you do your best to tell good advice.

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