Rainbow Six Siege Operator Quiz
Rainbow Six Siege Operator Quiz
This quiz will test you on your knowledge of Rainbow Six Siege's operators. (This quiz will later be replaced by a better and updated quiz in the future when I decide to make it but the quick version is that the quiz will include information about the entire game not just one subject like my quizzes have been).
This quiz will test you on your knowledge of Rainbow Six Siege's operators. (This quiz will later be replaced by a better and updated quiz in the future when I decide to make it but the quick version is that the quiz will include information about the entire game not just one subject like my quizzes have been).

What was Rainbow Six Siege released officially?
How many operators can be on one team.
How many operators are in the game not including Recruit or any leaks. (As of May 2nd, 2018)
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
Who is this operator?
And finally who is this operator?