Do you have Borderline Personality Disorder?
Do you have Borderline Personality Disorder?
This test is not medical tool for finding out if you have mental illness, but it can help you decide to get help if you recognize yourself in these symptoms. All signs for BPD I took from DSM.
This test is not medical tool for finding out if you have mental illness, but it can help you decide to get help if you recognize yourself in these symptoms. All signs for BPD I took from DSM.
You often feel empty, bored or lifeless.
Your emotions are unstable. You change your mood from extreme anger or sadness to extreme mania and happiness in just a couple of minutes, hours or days.
You have strong irrational fear of abandonment.
One moment you can't live with the loved one, the other you hate them.
You often question your believes, taste and identity in general; You often have style and interests changes.
You self-harm (alcohol abuse, drugs, medication abuse, cutting, burning, hitting, eating disorder, laxative abuse, pulling hair, suicide thoughts and attempts).
You are destructive or self-destructive (getting drunk, stealing, irresponsible sex, fights, etc.).
You have poor anger and rage management. Sometimes you can't stop anger attacks and you end hurting someone emotionally or physically.
Sometimes it looks to other like you are different person.'re 'possessed'.
You get paranoid and suspicious and/or have hallucinations.
People think you are rude, selfish and manipulative.
You lack of empathy.
You always feel guilt and a need for punishing yourself.
You had trauma in your life (death of loved ones, family problems, neglectful parents, bullying, sexual or some other abuse, witnessing stressful situation like murder or war, etc.).
There is possibility of BPD
There is possibility of BPD