Lake Of The Ozarks - An Amazing Location To Enjoy Boating And Fishing
Lake Of The Ozarks - An Amazing Location To Enjoy Boating And Fishing

Whenever there is a talk about some of the best lakes to enjoy waters, the beautiful and exotic Lake of the Ozarks usually gets a mention. Ozark yacht clubs and resorts attract more than 5 million visitors every year, which testifies the popularity of this lake. It offers world-class boating, fishing, golfing, as well as shopping opportunities. The 1150 miles of wide shoreline provides visitors with a wide range of waterfront accommodations, restaurants and recreational venues. The lake is often referred to as “The Magic Dragon”. Thanks to the serpentine shape of the 92-mile main channel that has earned it its nickname. The first 30 miles of the lake consist of condo complexes, resorts and impressive homes. Very near to the lake is the world famous Party Cove where you can easily see more than 3000 fuel/gas boats and their revelers tied up on any given Saturday in the summer.
Ideal for fishing
The Lake of the Ozarks is loaded with a variety of fish species, including but not limited to largemouth bass, spotted bass, blue catfish, black and white crappie, hybrid stripers, channel catfish, flathead catfish, white bass, paddlefish, walleye and bluegill. Most species, such as walleye, paddlefish and white bass can be caught year-round; they only change their habits depending on the season. They are scattered throughout the Lake. In the springtime, because these species are migratory, they tend to congregate in the upper ends of the Niangua, Gravois or Grand Glaize arms.
Those who don’t want the financial and physical responsibility that private boat ownership entails, getting membership in a yacht club is a great idea. Club members can enjoy all year utilizing their membership. Yachts are a great choice for parties and events, as well as fitness and wellness retreats. All you are required to do is get a reservation for your boating requirements, with the vessel that matches your plans for the day - and you’re are ready to roll.
If you are looking for a premier marina for power and sail, popular yacht clubs, such as Ozark Yacht Club can provide you with a memorable experience. Located at the 1-MM in beautiful Jennings Branch Cove, the club is easily accessible by land or water. It is Just two miles from highway 54 near Bagnell Dam, and the closest marina to St. Louis and Kansas City. Visitors can make use of the numerous product offerings including slip rentals, dry storage, two restaurants, banquet services, and much more. Plan your event today!
Author’s Bio – The author is an online blogger. This article is about The Lake of the Ozarks