What Your Daily Habits Can Reveal About Your Personality

With some help from the clever illustrations on Tumblr's 2 Kinds of People, discover what your smallest, most insignificant habits can reveal about your overall personality.

Apartment Therapy
Created by Apartment Therapy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 26, 2016

Do you fullscreen videos when you watch them online?

Do you use a bookmark when you read, or dog-ear the pages?

Do you wake at the first alarm, or are you a habitual snoozer?

Are your phone's home screen apps organized into folders?

When a website asks for your birth date, what do you select?

How thorough are the names of your files?

How is your bookshelf organized?

Do you have unchecked notifications on your phone?

Where do you open a new web page?

What's your wifi network's name?

How do you organize your hand when you play cards?

Do you have a case on your phone?

Do you peel the stickers off new things?

How do you tell time?

Do you properly eject?

Do you pop pills out of the puncher, or tear off the pockets?

Do you store bottles with the cap down?

What type of carry-on do you have?

Is your camera flash on by default?

How do you go about completing sudoku or crossword puzzles?

You’re organized.

You’re organized.

You’re thorough, responsible and dependable. You crave order and like to support traditions and establishments. You’re probably well-organized and hardworking.

You’re artistic.

You’re artistic.

You have an aesthetic appreciation for beauty, and you’re less interested in order or the way things “should” be done. You’re flexible and open-minded, original and creative.

You’re analytical.

You’re analytical.

You have a well-developed sense of function and utility, and probably have excellent skills with mechanical things. You’re not overly concerned with rules or looks if they get in the way of getting things done.

You’re a doer.

You’re a doer.

You live a fast-paced lifestyle and you’re focused on immediate results. You can be very impatient at times. You’re action-oriented and prefer to have everything you need at your fingertips.

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