Which Orphan Black clone are you?
Which Orphan Black clone are you?
Just one of a few. No family too. Who are you?
Just one of a few. No family too. Who are you?

What colors do you like to wear?
In case of danger...
What do you think of Neolutionism?
You've recently come into a large sum of money. What's the first thing you do?
You've just met two people who look exactly like you and claim to be your clones. How are you feeling?
Sex, drugs, or rock 'n roll?
It's the zombie apocalypse! What's your survival strategy?
Do you spend a lot of time on your physical appearance?
If you had to choose: true love, or really good sex?
Just one, I'm a few. No family too. Who am I?
You talk a big talk about being bad news, but you've got a heart of gold and it gives you away every time. You'd do anything for the people you love, and do it with swagger to spare.
The world could be a lot better than it is, and you're the one who's going to make it that way. You've got a sharp mind and a warm heart, and when you put both of them to a goal you're kind of terrifying.
You're wound up real tight, but that's what it takes to get things done. And you're the type of person who gets things done. Your goals have a checklist and you are going through them, and nothing is going to stop you or get in your way. If it does, it's going to meet a nasty accident and end up buried in your garage. Whoopsie woo.
You're a bit of a trash gremlin, but that's fine! When people earn your trust they also earn your defense, for life, and that is a great thing to have. You've got your own kind of smarts and they'll get you through tough situations, along with your knife. Do you have a knife? You have a knife now. Don't question it.
You have a tendency to put yourself first, which makes sense: you're smart and cunning, and everyone should want to be you. You know what you want and you go for it. You'd get it, too...if some people would stop screwing everything up for you, SARAH.
You push yourself to your limits to do what you think is right -- whether that's keeping people safe, getting the answers you think you need, or changing the world for the better. And that's admirable. Maybe take a nap every once and while, though.
You have a tendency to keep yourself away from others -- sometimes for their benefit, and sometimes for yours. You've got a rich inner life, though, and that's enough for you. You're very good at what you do, whether it's creating things or maintaining a routine -- and maintaining that routine down to the second.
Girls just want to have fun. Girls just also want to get what they think they're owed, and do so with style and skill. Girls? Confirmed to be terrifying.