What Dragon Age Inquisition Character are you?
What Dragon Age Inquisition Character are you?
Find out which Follower you are most alike with, either with decisions or your personality. Unfortunately there isnt enough answer slots to add in Blackwall, i left him out due to the fact he less strongly shown as others.
Find out which Follower you are most alike with, either with decisions or your personality. Unfortunately there isnt enough answer slots to add in Blackwall, i left him out due to the fact he less strongly shown as others.

What is your preferred fighting style?
What do you believe in?
Two of your war advisers have a fight over if you should help the poor and dieing directly(saving as many lives as possible directly)or get help from the rich to progress in potions and funding(but many would die before the funding would get through, however helping in the long term), who do you side with to make the decision?
A mass killer stands before you, he is know to only kill those who killed others and he calls it "justice", how will you judge him? (the poor call him a saint and praise him greatly, but the religious hate him and want him dead for his sins)
What would you say in victory?
A spy comes to you with urgent news: "They are coming, they will not stop, you will be surrounded and over run by nightfall." How do you react and what do you do?
Which of these describes you the most? (go by closest it doesn't have to be exact)
Who would have you said you were most alike?
What animal would you take to battle with you?
Who was your favorite character? (not the one most similar to you unless its the same)
Iron Bull
Iron Bull