Here's What Jon Snow's New Parentage Actually Means For The Remaining Central Characters On The Show!
This post is literally nothing but spoilers, so go watch the finale first!
Daenyres Targaryan
Daenyres doesn't know she has a nephew, and she may not be thrilled at the prospect of sharing power. As Rhaegars's son, Jon has a claim to power.
Sansa Stark
Sansa is not Jon's sister but his cousin. Jon's claim to Winterfell is weakened by this revelation, and Sansa may not be so fond of him when she knows
Brandon Stark
Brandon may be the Three Eyed Raven, but in light of his vision, he's also next in line to become Warden of The North. Who knows what he'll do...
Queen Cersei
Cersei hasn't dealt with the Starks in a while, but Jon presents a real threat to her claim to the throne now. I hope Jon's immune to fire!
Jon himself!
Jon doesn't know that he's a Targaryan, and we have no idea how he'll react. He may not be fond of the Targaryans, given the stories he's been told...