This Color Test Will Reveal Where You Truly Are On The Political Spectrum!
This Color Test Will Reveal Where You Truly Are On The Political Spectrum!
Don't believe us? Nine questions and we'll see!
Don't believe us? Nine questions and we'll see!

Choose the tie that most appeals to you;
Pick a sunset that moves you;
Chose a bouquet of flowers for a loved one--
Pick a car...
Which meal looks more appetizing?
Choose only ONE dessert;
Pick a superhero!
Pick a Hillary Clinton;
Pick a Yankee candle;
You're a liberal! You think science is a real thing and marriage should be for all. Bonus is that you look really good in blue!
You're a libertarian! You hold your right to independence above all things and don't trust any mainstream political party farther than you can throw them!
You're a red blooded Conservative! You believe that traditions are worth keeping and that people have to make their own way in the world! You're all about that red!
You're Green! You love the earth and believe that everything deserves to live a good life! You want to protect the earth and everything growing on it, and think that if we all pitch in we can save ourselves!