What Country Should You Move To If Your Presidential Candidate Doesn't Win?
What Country Should You Move To If Your Presidential Candidate Doesn't Win?
If you're really thinking of abandoning ship, we've got your next destination right here!
If you're really thinking of abandoning ship, we've got your next destination right here!

Okay so things didn't go your way this November, but don't worry about it. Scotland is for you! The rolling highlands will give you more than enough room to live your own life, far from the tire fire that is American politics. The Scots have excellent health care, plenty of hunting, and fantastic alcohol! You should be right at home!
Well the worst has happened, but that's okay. Canada is pretty close, and Trudeau will welcome you with open arms! The most liberal government in the Western world, you're going to love free health care and cheap college! And don't worry, you're accent won't give you away!
The French Government has introduced incredibly green practices, which should work perfectly for you! The language may be a bit of a barrier, but with paid vacation time, many public holidays, and really REALLY good food, you may have actually WON the election
Where else can you have all the guns you want with none of the trouble? Putin is sure you look out for you, his new favorite citizens! Communism isn't a barrel of laughs, but hey-when you can own several kalashnikovs, you're happy with this deal