99% of College Students Fail This English Test.
99% of College Students Fail This English Test.
This is the 23-Question English Test only 1% of college students pass. Take a shot.
This is the 23-Question English Test only 1% of college students pass. Take a shot.
![Matteo Galo](http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/UserImages/b849cbf0-92ef-4bd0-997e-1a95f6dc3f15.jpg)
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick a synonym for 'crookedness':
If she had offered drinks, I would have wished to ______ some.
Pick a synonym for 'slug':
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick a synonym for 'tortuosity':
Please offer the chair to Nancy or ______
Pick an antonym for 'precise':
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick a synonym for 'codex':
I am about to collapse. I really need to ______ down.
Pick an antonym for 'heedful':
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick a synonym for 'Tuffet':
Are you happy with the idea of __ going to dinner with you?
Pick an antonym for 'recognition':
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick a synonym for 'blackguard':
I drink ______ than ten coffees a day.
Pick an antonym for 'duplicate':
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick a synonym for 'timber':
I cannot ______ for the best for you.
Way to go!
Way to go!
You passed an English test only 1% of college student do. You must be an avid reader, and passionate about languages and the written word. You see a purpose in reading, read every line, and appreciate ambiguous endings. You are a good learner – committed, persistent, and diligent. Share the quiz to test your friends, and comment bellow if you agree.
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