Try To Ace This Commonly Misspelled Words Test If Your IQ Is Above Average
Try To Ace This Commonly Misspelled Words Test If Your IQ Is Above Average
Do you think you can you spell these 29 tricky words? They are the most difficult common words in the English language.
Do you think you can you spell these 29 tricky words? They are the most difficult common words in the English language.

Pick the correct spelling:
Spell the plural of the word 'moose':
Spell the plural of the word 'radius':
Spell the plural of the word 'phenomenon':
Spell the plural of the word 'emphasis':
Spell the plural of the word 'nucleus':
Spell the plural of the word 'crisis':
Spell the plural of the word 'criterion':
Spell the plural of the word "deer."
Spell the plural of the word 'oasis':
You are totally a genius, with a capital 'G'.
You are totally a genius, with a capital 'G'.
Only 0.% of the population score as high as you did, which proved your IQ is way above the average. That makes you literally a genius, and according to Aristotle, "there is no great genius without some touch of madness." ... But don't by shy, share the news of your madness with the world. Let's challenge everyone you know!
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You are not a genius, but definitely an awesome person;)
You are not a genius, but definitely an awesome person;)
You failed the test. Share it to challenge everyone you know... and always remember: "Genius is the ability to renew one's emotions in daily experience."
If you liked the quiz, check out my articles on Top Firearm Reviews for amazing guides, reviews, and lifestyle sale items from Amazon.