Can You Guess Trump's Most Frequently Used Words?
Can You Guess Trump's Most Frequently Used Words?
You get ten chances to prove how well you know ex-President Trump. Think you've got what it takes?
You get ten chances to prove how well you know ex-President Trump. Think you've got what it takes?
Donald John Trump, the 45th president of the United States, has been making a lot of headlines lately. Can you guess his most frequently used words? We gave this test to 100 people and 18% got a perfect score. Can you?
Which is one of Trump's most frequently used words?
Which is one of Trump's most frequently used words?
Which is one of Trump's most frequently used words?
Which is one of Trump's most frequently used words?
Which is one of Trump's most frequently used words?
Which is one of Trump's most frequently used words?
Which is one of Trump's most frequently used words?
Which is one of Trump's most frequently used words?
Which is one of Trump's most frequently used words?
Which is one of Trump's most frequently used words?
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