Can You Pass A 6th Grade English Grammar Test From 1985?
Can You Pass A 6th Grade English Grammar Test From 1985?
18 questions. Let's go!
18 questions. Let's go!
Research shows that people with who pass basic grammar tests have passion for perfection. They challenge themselves on a daily basis and are interested in intellectual pursuits. Moreover, they examine themselves objectively, they constantly question common sense, and interestingly enough - they believe in the importance of art. Try to pass this basic, 6th grade English test from 1985 to find out what your grammar skills actually say about your personality.
I have a terrible headache. I really need to ______ down.
Which is spelled correctly?
Pick a synonym for 'initiate':
If I ______ you, I would skip town tonight.
"That was a near accident." What part of speech is 'near'?
Pick the correct spelling:
Which is spelled correctly?
The defeat ______ have been a watershed in American history.
______ words and more action.
I cannot ______ for the best for you.
Pick a synonym for 'consonant':
Which is spelled correctly?
Please hand the check to John or ______.
Pick the correct spelling:
Which of the following is grammatically correct?
If she had offered wine, I would have wished to ______ some.
Pick a synonym for 'crookedness':
Which is spelled correctly?
You aced a 6th grade English grammar test from 1985
You aced a 6th grade English grammar test from 1985
You must be passionate about the English language and the written word. People who score as high as you see purpose in reading. They read every line, make notes, and appreciate ambiguous endings. Your 4 dominant traits are: observant, introspective, self-disciplined, and mature. Nevertheless, romance is the foundation of your happiness. You believe that love overcomes all obstacles, and you feel supported within the comfort of intimacy. Let us know in a comment below if you agree, and SHARE the test with your friends.
You failed a 6th grade English grammar test from 1985
You failed a 6th grade English grammar test from 1985
You failed the test, which means you don't take notice of irrelevant information. You must be dreamy and highly creative. SHARE the test if you agree.