Did You Know We Can Measure Your Reproductive-IQ?
Did You Know We Can Measure Your Reproductive-IQ?
This famous Reproductive-IQ Test is actually very accurate.
This famous Reproductive-IQ Test is actually very accurate.

This Reproductive-IQ Test has been circulating the internet for a few months. If you score at least 8/10, that would mean that you always see the big picture, that you think two steps ahead of the world, and that you're able to visualize patterns with your mind’s eye and think in three dimensions.
Are you up for a reproductive challenge?
How many nerve endings are found in the clitoris?
The size of the vagina increases during sex.
Which chemical floods your brain brain when you become sexually aroused?
A woman cannot get pregnant if she’s on her period.
Which hormone is released when a person reaches orgasm?
How many partners will the average American have in his/her lifetime?
How long can sperm survive inside a woman's body after ejaculation?
How often does the average couple have sex each year?
What is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States?
A woman can get pregnant any day of the month.
Your Reproductive-IQ is 152. You are unquestionably a reproductive genius. There's absolutely nothing you don't know about the realm of lovemaking. Are we spot-on? Let us know in the comments, and share this unique quiz to test your friends.
Your Reproductive-IQ is 109. You have superior sexual knowledge. You know (almost) everything there is to know about the realm of lovemaking. This is something to be proud of. Now let's hope you're as good in practice as you are on paper... Are we spot-on? Let us know in the comments, and share this unique quiz to test your friends.
Your Reproductive-IQ is 89, which means your sexual knowledge is all right… sort of… Maybe it's time to switch off porn hub and pick up a sex book. You might learn something:) Are we spot-on? Let us know in the comments, and share this unique quiz to test your friends.
Your Reproductive-IQ is 42, which means your sexual knowledge is very poor. So let's get something straight - it is NOT safe to use a chips bag as a substitute for a condom. Are we spot-on? Let us know in the comments, and share this unique quiz to test your friends.