Do You Actually Remember the Tiniest Details From 'Titanic'?
Do You Actually Remember the Tiniest Details From 'Titanic'?
Who said, "Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens."
Who said, "Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens."

We gave this test to 870 Titanic fans, and only 12% remembered these tiny details. How many of them do you remember? Take this quiz and let’s find out. It’s actually not as challenging as you’d think.
But it’s still quite confusing. So buckle up!
What is Rose's full name?
What is Jack's last name?
What is the name of the blue diamond?
After they dine, Rose secretly joins Jack at a party in:
How do Rose and Jack meet?
What is Jack's "reward" for saving Rose?
What is the widowed mother's name?
When Jack sketches Rose posing nude, she is wearing:
What is Cal's engagement present?
Do Rose and Jack manage to escape Cal's bodyguard to have sex?
And do they actually witness the collision with the iceberg?
What's the name of the treasure hunter?
Who slips the necklace into Jack's pocket?
After Jack is arrested and taken to the master-at-arms' office, he is handcuffed to a:
Lizzy Calvert is in fact:
By the way, where is the Titanic headed?
And from where did it depart?
Where did the Titanic sink?
How does Spicer Lovejoy die?
Did Rose die at the end of Titanic?
And finally, who drops the Heart of the Ocean into the sea?