Do You Know the Official Mottos of These US States?
Do You Know the Official Mottos of These US States?
24 mottos. 24 US States. Let's go.
24 mottos. 24 US States. Let's go.

Do you really love American history and geography? Let’s find out. Take this entertaining quiz to test your knowledge of the official US States mottos.
By the way, we gave it to a group of 120 American college students and only 14 got a perfect score!
United we stand, divided we fall.
The crossroads of America
Manly deeds, womanly words.
North to the Future
In God we trust
Wisdom, justice, and moderation
Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain
Oro y plata
Equality before the law
All for our country
Live free or die
With God, all things are possible.
Virtue, liberty, and independence.
Under God the people rule
Agriculture and commerce
Freedom and Unity
Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ‘Āina i ka Pono
Equal rights