Free Emotional Intelligence Test To Reveal Your True Personality
Free Emotional Intelligence Test To Reveal Your True Personality
This test describes situations that we all experience in our daily lives. Answer as honestly as possible to get an accurate evaluation of several aspects of your emotional intelligence.
This test describes situations that we all experience in our daily lives. Answer as honestly as possible to get an accurate evaluation of several aspects of your emotional intelligence.

You usually walk...
When you go to a party or social gathering, you...
Which of the following colors do you like the most?
When talking to people, you...
When relaxing, you sit with...
When something really amuses you, you react with...
When you're in bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep, you're...
When do you feel your best?
You're working very hard, concentrating hard, and you're interuppted. You...
Personality A
Personality A
You are a perfectionist. You are serene, emotionally stable, and a seeker of ultimate truths. You search for meaning in life, and are outraged my moral breaches. Moreover, you have always had insatiable curiosity. You learn new things rapidly, and are able to retain and apply what you have learned. More often than not, you ask embarrassing questions, and even rudely point out truths at the wrong time.
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Personality B
Personality B
You have a sense of mission and destiny, and you perceive life differently. You often feel out of step with the world, and you need periods of contemplation. You are highly sensitive and have intense feelings. You are aware of things others are not. You tolerate complexity and ambiguity, and are able to run your mind on multiple tracks at the same time. You also have a wide range of interests and a good sense of justice.
Let us know in the comments if we're spot on!
Personality C
Personality C
You feel comfortable with a wide range of emotions. You can see many sides to nearly any issue, and help others understand themselves better. You tend to look for consistency, and are considered a “driven” person. You are likely to have an extensive vocabulary and excellent long term memory.
Let us know in the comments if we're spot on!