This Knowledge Test Will Reveal If You’ll Be A Billionaire
This Knowledge Test Will Reveal If You’ll Be A Billionaire
If you are born poor it's not your mistake, but if you die poor its your mistake.
If you are born poor it's not your mistake, but if you die poor its your mistake.

Do you think you're the next Elon Musk? Do you possess the traits of a self-made billionaire? Is your desire for success insatiable, and do you think differently? It's time to find out if you're really dreaming big, and if you plan to achieve all your goals
Approximately 0.03% of the population will pass this test.
Which of the following are used to make a Martini?
Gabon is a country in:
Who's the narrator in "The Great Gatsby"?
Who wrote "The Sun Also Rises"?
The International Women’s Day is celebrated in:
Christmas commemorates the _____ of Jesus.
Which of these cities is furthest north?
Who was the first person to walk on the Moon?
Pablo Picasso was:
What was Jesus’ occupation before entering public ministry?
Which of these is NOT a song by The Beatles?
What is the capital of Ethiopia?
Which of these families is not in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"?
"Beef Bourguignon" is a stew prepared with beef braised in _____.
Where did Christianity Originate?
Yes, you'll definitely become a billionaire!
Yes, you'll definitely become a billionaire!
You must be a genius. Just like all future billionaires, you love learning, you curse a lot, and you have a great sense of humor. You are also an expert decision maker. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment, and share this quiz with everyone you know.
You'll never be a billionaire!
You'll never be a billionaire!
No extra cash for you...
You must be a day-dreamer and an abstract thinker. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment, and share this quiz with everyone you know. And always remember:
So, will you become a billionaire?
So, will you become a billionaire?