We Can Actually Measure Your Logic Based Off This College Entrance Exam
We Can Actually Measure Your Logic Based Off This College Entrance Exam
Have you ever taken a College Entrance Exam? Even though they're basic, they tend to be very tricky.
Have you ever taken a College Entrance Exam? Even though they're basic, they tend to be very tricky.

This test will actually reveal if you have an open mind, boundless imagination, and a driving force to create.
Do you see problems before they occur? Do you have elaborate inner dialogues? Are you bored if not engaged, and do you constantly require stimulus in your fields of passions?
Let's find out if you can pass this basic logic test, and if so - what does it say about you.
What do these words have in common: Green, Halfway, Light, Tree, Ware.
What is one tenth of one third of one tenth of 300?
If you rearrange the letters "LEMUBIG", you would have the name of a:
Water is to pipelines as _____ is to wires.
Convert ¼ to decimals.
How many minutes are there in four and a half hours?
A car traveled 360 miles in 4 hours and 30 minutes. What was its speed (in miles per hour)?
Pick the odd one out:
12 ÷ 2 (5 – 2) = ?
Which word best expresses the meaning of: "reassuring"?
By which name is Sodium Chloride commonly known?
Which of these cities is furthest north?
How many dots are there on 2 dice?
What is the square root of 4,096?
By most standards, there is a maximum of ___ continents in the world.
Your logic is at the highest percentile
Your logic is at the highest percentile
You're literally a genius! Only 1% of the population scores this high. You reason analytically and communicate logical concepts in creative and intuitive ways. You have a passion for perfection. You like to challenge yourself, and you excel in finding solutions to problems. Keep up the good work, and share your score with the world!
Your logic is above average
Your logic is above average
You are highly intelligent! You are a rapid learner with multiple skills and interests. You can see problems before they occur, and have elaborate inner dialogues. You are bored if not engaged, and you constantly require stimulus in your fields of passions. Keep it up, and share your score with the world!
Your logic is average
Your logic is average
You used to have difficulties in high school, and you hate dealing with banking and filling out forms. You daydream, observe other people, and want to work the hours that work for you. You get out of your own head and tend to lose track of time. By the way, most crimes are committed by individuals from this range. Is there anything you'd like to share?