15 Questions Will Tell Us If You'll Be A Millionaire
15 Questions Will Tell Us If You'll Be A Millionaire
There’s actually a connection between knowledge and fortune.
There’s actually a connection between knowledge and fortune.

Think you’re the next Warren Buffett?
Do you have the traits of a self-made millionaire? Do you think differently, and have an insatiable desire for success?
Let’s find out if you really dream big, and if you’re going to make all your dreams come true. Only 0.5% of the population will pass this one.
Who invented the piano?
Was the match invented before the lighter?
Pick the correct statement:
What is the capital of Turkey?
Where Timbuktu is located?
Who invented the nuclear bomb?
In older versions of 'Little Red Riding Hood':
How many brains do Leeches have?
Why are flamingos pink?
Pick the correct statement:
When did France stop executing people by guillotine?
What do Capuchin Male Monkeys do in order to attract a mate?
In how many bird species, the males don't have penises?
What is the capital of Libya?
How many teeth do male horses have?
You are either a self-made millionaire, or you'll become one pretty soon.
You are either a self-made millionaire, or you'll become one pretty soon.
You have the traits of a self-made millionaire. You think differently, and have insatiable desire for success. You not only have BIG dreams, but you also believe they will come true. You create your own vision, and work relentlessly to reach your goals. You have the ability to innovate and revolutionize, and to put yourself in a position to make far greater progress than the people around you. In the words of Warren Buffett, money is a by-product of something you like to do very much. Do you agree?
You're definitely not a millionaire, and you never will be!
You're definitely not a millionaire, and you never will be!
You are not a millionaire, and you'll never become one. So Share this quiz to test your friends... to see who will be the one you'd borrow from...
Are you already a millionaire?
Are you already a millionaire?