Which 'Lord of the Flies' Character are You?
Which 'Lord of the Flies' Character are You?
Just 8 question to figure you out. Let's go!
Just 8 question to figure you out. Let's go!

'Lord of the Flies' is a 1954 novel by the Nobel Prize-winning British author William Golding.
The plot concerns a group of British boys who are stranded on an uninhabited island and their disastrous attempts to govern themselves.
We created this psychological test to see which Lord Of The Flies character you are.
Let us know if we figure you out.
Do you believe you are more capable than other people?
Does being the center of attention make you uncomfortable?
Does the thought of ruling the world frighten you?
Do you believe you have a natural talent for influencing people?
Are you a sadist or a masochist?
What do you think when you have dreamed about achieving something?
Which of the following characteristics reflects your reaction to challenging situations?
The color of life is...
The Lord of the Flies
The Lord of the Flies
So you are the notorious Lord of the Flies! You exist physically as a pig's head that had been cut off by Jack, put on a stick, stuck in the ground, and left as an offering to the Beast. Created out of fear, you are the remnant of a mother sow who, though at one time loving and innocent, has become a hysterically smiling & bleeding image of horror.
You represent the person who enjoys hurting others and is only restrained by the rules of society. At first, you are a simple "bigun", having fun during your stay on the island. Along with Maurice, you destroy the sand castles made by three small children. While Maurice feels guilty for kicking sand into a child's eye, you begin to emerge as a sadist as you throw stones at one of the boys. BUT, you throw the stones to miss and feel the presence of civilization and society preventing you from harming the children. Later, once you feel that all aspects of conventional society are gone, you are left alone to your animal urges.
Jack Merridew
Jack Merridew
You are a natural leader, who appeals to more primal desires in the children and relies on your status as head of the choirboys to justify your authority. Your behavior is neither disruptive nor violent at the beginning of the book, although in times you express an unquenchable desire to hunt and kill a pig, and you spend hours in solitude traversing the island. But later, under your rule, the baseness of human nature is unleashed, and you initiate a period of inter-tribal violence, punishing other children, inciting the frenzy that leads to the murder of Simon, and torturing the twins until they submit to your authority.
You may seem to mean well, but often your obsession with being popular overcomes you, and you resort to bullying in order to regain power. Yet in the midst of all chaos, you tend to be polite, selfless, and logical. Therefore, you symbolize humankind's hopeful ambition to self-govern despite historical record of failure and abuse of power.
You appear to be of working-class background, and you're the most physically vulnerable of all the boys, but you're also the most intellectual, frequently appealing to reason. You are the only adult-type figure on the island. Your intellect benefits the group through Ralph, to whom you advise. Since you have no rapport with the other boys, you rely on the power of social convention. You believe that holding the conch gives you the right to be heard, and that upholding communal bonds produces results.
When first blown, you call the children to an assembly, where Ralph is elected leader. They agree that only the boy holding YOU may speak at meetings to forestall arguments and chaos, and that you should be passed around to those who wish to voice their opinions. You symbolize effective democracy, as well as civility and order. When Piggy is killed, you are smashed into pieces, signaling the end of order and the onset of chaos. You are vibrant and colorful, but as the plot progresses, your colors begin to fade, the same way society begins to fade on the island.
You represent peace, tranquility, and positivity. You are often seen wandering off by yourself in a dreamy state, prone to fits of fainting and hallucination. You are in tune with the island and often experience extraordinary sensations when listening to its sounds. You love the nature of the island, are positive about the future, and have an extreme aversion to the pig's head - the "Lord of the Flies". Your death represents the loss of truth, innocence, and common sense, and you are interpreted as a Christ Figure, unlike the rest of the boys.
The Beast
The Beast
You embody the latent savagery within all human beings. You are thought to be within the water! Soon after the rumors of your existence begin to flourish, the corpse of a fighter pilot, ejected from his aircraft, falls to the island. His parachute becomes entangled in the jungle foliage in such a way that sporadic gusts of wind cause the chute to billow and the body to move as if still alive. Sam and Eric discover the parachutist in the dark and believe that it is YOU – the beast. Simon discovers the parachutist and realizes that the you are really only the corpse of a man. Jack's tribe feeds you with the sow's head on a stick.
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