7 Craziest Parenting Techniques Throughout History
7 Craziest Parenting Techniques Throughout History
Being a parent is a really confusing time. I'm sure we're doing things today that people a few decades from now will find insane. The team at http://askstork.com takes a look at history and finds out some of the whacky things parents have done to their children.
Being a parent is a really confusing time. I'm sure we're doing things today that people a few decades from now will find insane. The team at http://askstork.com takes a look at history and finds out some of the whacky things parents have done to their children.
Created by Arjun Naskar(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 22, 2015
Spartan Kids Are Tougher Than You
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In Sparta, babies who were premature or deformed were killed. Those who survived would be trained in military camps till they were adults. As I'm writing this, I'm lying down on my couch.
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021