7 Craziest Parenting Techniques Throughout History

Being a parent is a really confusing time. I'm sure we're doing things today that people a few decades from now will find insane. The team at http://askstork.com takes a look at history and finds out some of the whacky things parents have done to their children.

Arjun Naskar
Created by Arjun Naskar(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 22, 2015

Baby Cages Outside Your Apartment Window

Do you live in a crowded area in downtown Manhattan in the 1930s and your baby needs some air? No problem, let him crawl right outside the window into this cage, hovering over the city below. A whole bunch of NOPE.


Smoking During Pregnancy Was Totally Fine

Obstetricians in the 1960s said smoking during pregnancy was totally fine...as long as it was limited to only half a pack a day.


And So Was Drinking

Back during medieval times, the water was so unsafe, that parents gave their children beer for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They didn't know it at the time, but the brewing process killed off all the bacteria. Damn you sanitary city water of 2015.


An Eye For An Eye

Good old Hammurabi's Code. Fathers could cut the tongues of naughty children or even sell them off to repay debt.


Spartan Kids Are Tougher Than You

youtube embed goes here!

In Sparta, babies who were premature or deformed were killed. Those who survived would be trained in military camps till they were adults. As I'm writing this, I'm lying down on my couch.


One Test Will Ruin Your Life

In 500-600 AD in China, it was wildly important to do well on written examinations. It would determine everything from education, to jobs, to marriage prospects. One poor examp would literally ruin your life.


Netflix Is The New Nanny

Our final one is from today. Many people think television is an appropriate babysitter these days. While child programming is becoming more educational, don't leave your child home alone!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021