3 Out Of Every 100 People Are The Black Sheep Of Their Family. Are You?
3 Out Of Every 100 People Are The Black Sheep Of Their Family. Are You?
Some broke the mould when they were born. Are you a wild child or grade A normal?
Some broke the mould when they were born. Are you a wild child or grade A normal?

How likely are you to stand up to authority (on a scale of 1 to 5)?
Do you play well with others?
Were you popular in high school?
At school, where did you sit in the classroom?
How outgoing are you?
Are you interested in being famous?
Could you live without your smartphone?
How often do you check your social media accounts?
Do you find value in artistic expression?
Do you follow the latest trends?
Black Sheep, Big Time
Black Sheep, Big Time
When life zigs, you zag. Your choices sometimes alienate your family and friends, but you have your reasons. Eventually, they'll understand that you need to find your own course.
Against the Grain
Against the Grain
You've had a lifelong aversion to authority. You tend to stick out like a sore thumb but can blend in with the crowd if you really want to -- which you usually don't.
A Little Wooly
A Little Wooly
You don't always see eye to eye with your family and friends, but are capable of compromising. You can see other people's perspectives but don't necessarily agree with them.
A People Person
A People Person
All in all, you play well with others. However, you do have moments where authority figures rub you the wrong way. In order to get ahead, though, you know you'll have to toe the line as best you can.
Grade A Normal
Grade A Normal
You may not stand out from the crowd, but you make a great teammate and collaborator. Because you get along well with others, opportunities often present themselves to you.