Can You Pass The Ultimate Justice League Quiz? - 30 Questions!

Batman V Superman is almost here. Sure, we all know Batman and Wonder Woman, but there have been a lot of Justice League members. How many can you name?

Arlis Morgan
Created by Arlis Morgan
On Mar 8, 2016
1 / 30

Can you name this underwater fellow?

2 / 30

And I'm sure you're familiar with this cowl. Who is he?

3 / 30

And I'm sure you've run across this Amazonian before. What's her name?

4 / 30

Who is this robotic rescuer?

5 / 30

This one's a gimme.

6 / 30

Who is this mercurial fellow?

7 / 30

That covers the upcoming movie. But did you know there are scores of JL members beyond, like this fellow. Who is he?

8 / 30

Who is this subatomic wonder?

9 / 30

Say the magic word and this fellow springs to life. Who is this?

10 / 30

This one's a little trickier. Who is this purple-haired heroine?

11 / 30

Who is this fiery fellow?

12 / 30

Who's this frosty fellow?

13 / 30

Who is this young super-woman?

14 / 30

Who is this bright star of justice?

15 / 30

Who is this fearsome Justice Leaguer?

16 / 30

What's the name of this illuminating superhero?

17 / 30

Who is this international crime fighter?

18 / 30

Still feeling a little worldly? What's the name of this superheroine?

19 / 30

What's the name of this not-so-Eastern-Bloc Justice League hero?

20 / 30

Admittedly, those last few were a little trickier. You'll probably recognize this guy, though?

21 / 30

You need to invite this DC heroine to all your parties. What's her name?

22 / 30

Who is this powerful looking avian?

23 / 30

Which hero Justice League superhero wields a wicked blade?

24 / 30

You might have seen this fellow before. Who is he?

25 / 30

I imagine you're familiar with this feline crime fighter/criminal. What's her handle?

26 / 30

This Justice Leaguer goes by the name of ___.

27 / 30

Who is this patriotic superheroine?

28 / 30

This one is a little trickier: What moniker does this hero go by?

29 / 30

What handle does this Bird of Prey/Justice League heroine go by?

30 / 30

And last but not least: who is this mysterious superhero?

Questions left
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