How Well Do You Know Your Star Wars Planets?
How Well Do You Know Your Star Wars Planets?
Do you know your Hoth from your Jakku? Find out your Star Wars planet-naming skills.
Do you know your Hoth from your Jakku? Find out your Star Wars planet-naming skills.

Which diverse planet do Senator Amidala and Chancellor Palpatine hail from?
From here, the First Order would seek to dominate the galaxy.
The aquatic cloners from Episode 2 call this planet home.
On which planet was the rebel base located in "A New Hope."
What fiery world saw Obi-Wan Kenobi duel his former apprentice Anakin for the (almost) last time?
Luke Skywalker grew up watching the twin suns set om which planet?
What is the lush, arboreal home of Chewbacca's people?
This planet was the site of a great battle many years before the Force awakened.
Those furry little Ewoks helped the rebels kick the Empire off their home world of...
What is the planet-wide city which serves as capitol of the Republic/Empire?
Imperial forces raided this world, home of the Rebel Alliance's icy base.
Where did Luke meet Yoda and begin his Jedi training?
On this world, the Clone Wars truly began.
Which planet did Lando Calrissian's Cloud City float above?