Where Are You On The Evolutionary Ladder?
Where Are You On The Evolutionary Ladder?
As a species, its hard to know whether we're heading for enlightenment or just apes with smartphones. Where do you fit in on the evolutionary scale?
As a species, its hard to know whether we're heading for enlightenment or just apes with smartphones. Where do you fit in on the evolutionary scale?

Where do you get your news from?
Do you write the same way you text?
How computer literate are you?
What do you believe the purpose of technology is?
Do you think robots are helpful or scary?
Where would you spend most of your time?
Which of these Sci-Fi films or TV shows do you prefer:
Pick an image that best represents our possible future:
H. Australopithecus
H. Australopithecus
You're taking it back to the old school--way way back. Sure, you might be a little archaic, but at least you know how to have a good time.
H. Habilis
H. Habilis
You've got the hang of tool-making and text message emojis. You're comfortable in the modern world, and that's all that matters.
H. Erectus
H. Erectus
Sure, you still laugh at the fact that you have "erectus" in your title, but cheap sexual allusions make the world go round. You're making your way up the ladder.
H. Neanderthalensis
H. Neanderthalensis
Active and fond of heavy brow-ridges, you're trying to keep on top of your environment--because you never know when the next Ice Age could invite extinction.
H. Sapiens
H. Sapiens
Modern, smart, literate, and forward-thinking, you've got a handle on the present with an eye to the future. You are among the savviest of our present-day species.
H. Evolutis
H. Evolutis
Do you ever feel out of step with the world? That's because you are. Your ideas, fashions, and concepts of living are way ahead of your time. Welcome to the future!