Which Supernatural Hunter Are You?
Which Supernatural Hunter Are You?
Are you Dean, Sam, Bobby, or Charlie? 8 possible answers!
Are you Dean, Sam, Bobby, or Charlie? 8 possible answers!

Which of these creatures do you least want to have pop out of the darkness?
Would you go camping with this posse?
After a long day of fighting the paranormal, how do you unwind?
How do you feel about vampires?
What's your ideal hunter vehicle?
Which recurring character is your favorite?
Choose your Supernatural weapon.
Which villain would you team up with, at least temporarily?
Charlie Bradbury
Charlie Bradbury
You've always depended on your brains to get you out of trouble. The problem is, they also keep getting you into trouble as well. As long as you don't let your hot temper get in the way of your cool logic, you can figure a way out of just about anything.
Dean Winchester
Dean Winchester
Behind your gruff exterior and your callous ways lurks a gruff interior and less-callous ways. To say that you're a softie through and through wouldn't be fair, but you do have a few nicks in your armor that let your gooey insides show through.
Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester
Always the one with common sense, you're used to playing the voice of reason. But you also have a passion for adventure and never shy away from danger -- especially when it comes to sticking by your peeps.
Bobby Singer
Bobby Singer
Sure you refer to your friends as "idjits," but you only do so with love. You're rough and tumble ways may grate some people the wrong way, but they always get results. Once people understand that, they'll cut you some slack.
Rufus Turner
Rufus Turner
Although you're highly intelligent and capable, you're often reluctant to get involved -- mostly because you've finally found a sense of stability. While it's important to be careful, especially with those you love depending on you, sometimes instability brings greater strength.
Tracy Bell
Tracy Bell
You know that old saw about books and covers, something about judging -- yeah, that one -- applies to you. People sometime get stuck on your outter shell and miss out on your inner badassery. Fret not, because they'll only make that mistake once.
You're a real angel when it comes to getting the job done. Sure, your loyalties are split between the heavens and the earth, but you always keep your word and stay true to your friends.
Dorothy Baum
Dorothy Baum
A real wizard when it comes to taking care of business, your family has a streak of creativity a mile long. With your abilities and your natural charm, you can cast aside any (flying) monkey business and find your own yellow brick road.