Which Pokemon are you?

Find out which of 8 pokemon you are!

Arnold Hatfield
Created by Arnold Hatfield (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 17, 2015

What is your favourite type?

Which town/city would you want to live in?

What is your favourite of these pokemon (They are not the answers)

What is your favourite legendary pokemon?

Which Trainer are you most like?

Where would you visit if you could?

What is your weakness

Oh no! Your opponent has mega evolved! Do you...

What fuels you in a fight?

Finally, what role would you have in the pokemon world?



You are Lucario, the fighting/steel type pokemon! You are a strong willed pokemon who uses the power of aura! With brilliant stats that focus in power and speed and even the most OP mega evolution, your force is unstoppable!



You are Simisage! The rare grass type pokemon, you are quiet and chilled.... until you get angry, where your a battle tank ready to destroy whatever is between you and your enemy!



You are Gengar, the ghost/poison type pokemon! Gengar are true pranksters who find enjoyment out of failure. However, when you put him onto the battlefield, he is a real beast, fighting with his fast speed and crazy special attack and even more powerful with his mega evolution!



You are Sableye, the ghost/dark type pokemon! Sableye likes to lurk in the dark and is really sneaky. He is also somewhat greedy for rare items which gives him a bad reputation. On the battlefield, he is a defensive and support pokemon, with a mega evolution that aids in this role!



You are Ludicolo, the grass/water type pokemon! Ludicolo is one of, if not the most chilled pokemon. All he is is happy. On the battlefield, he relies on his special attacks and natural bulk. However, once Ludicolo sets up the rain, he becomes a true beast!



You are Noivern, the dragon/flying type pokemon! Noivern is a pokemon that relies on sound for his attacks, using moves like boom burst to crush its opponents. Noiverns personality is mixed, however is usually focused and strong-willed. It has really good sound too, with giant, stereo-like ears. It truly is a beast with the right trainer, otherwise it is not as effective...



You are Electivire, the electric type pokemon! Elective is a really strong willed and resilient pokemon who is never out of energy. On the battlefield, Electivire uses its physical strength to fight foes, however is really frail.



You are Magmortar, the fire type pokemon! Magmortar is a really heated pokemon, who is calm and serious until its temper snaps... which will leave you burnt to a crisp. It focuses on using special attacking moves with its huge arm-cannons. A fire blast will hurt anything... or at least burn it!

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